January 2017
Changes are Coming!!
We have just completed our Office review by Texas Department of Agriculture. We had four state reviewers in our office from Monday morning until Thursday afternoon, four full days! They come into our office after doing field visits. They review our files, monitor reports, provider home enrollments, menus and attendance forms. The bottom line, we will be reviewing areas on our monitor visits that they had findings on.
1. All providers must have posted the most current form for WIC and BFF (Building for the Future) in English and Spanish. We e-mailed and mailed out a current version where we shrunk it down to incorporate both versions on one page. You must also give a copy of these two flyers to all new parents, and annually to all parents.
2. Home enrollments not completed. Please make sure all areas are complete. This includes the days, hours of care, meals served, and dates child participates in the program. Also if you have an infant, the infant section (on the computerized form) must be completed by the parent. Make sure you list the name of the formula you supply. We cannot accept any home enrollments that are not completed, signed and dated by the parent or guardian. A child will not properly be enrolled in the program and eligible for reimbursement until a completed home enrollment is received in the office.
3. Bread and grains served were not served in the correct amounts. This is seen primarily in items like granola bars, cookies, and pop tarts, etc. A serving of these must meet the required amount by weight. We distributed the grains chart at spring trainings, and are doing so again on all monitor visits this quarter. If you need an other chart please call the office.
4. Providers serving processed combination foods such as ravioli, pizza, chicken nuggets, fishsticks. Without a CN label there is no way to cor- rectly calculate how much meat is actually being served. TDA observed several sites not serving the required amounts.
CN labels are required for all processed food items such as Chicken nuggets, fish sticks, corn dogs, pizza. We will be checking for these labels at all monitor visits. Please start a file folder for all required labels, AND make a copy to send to our office if you have not already done so.
Also items you serve such as cereal bars, toaster pastries, cookies: Please keep a copy of nutrition labels (along with product name) so we can help you determine if these are creditable. No sense buying and serving products and then getting deducted for them not being creditable.
Many changes are going into effect October 1, 2017. Our Spring training will be focused on these changes. It is time to start implementing them now, so that by October 1, you will be ready to be in compliance.
2016 Tax Information
Statements included in all mailed checks and paper claiming providers statements this month. Minute Menu providers go to Claims> review claims> tax summary. You can print off your report. Call the office if you need help or a paper copy.
February 25 Annual Mini Conference
Richardson, TX - Saturday 8:30 to 4:15 PM
Get all of your required 6 hours of training in the new Licensing requirements in one day.
Flyer and Registration will be mailed and emailed by Tuesday January 24th.
Making Changes One Bite at a Time
New Meal Patterns
Start making little changes now. By October 1, 2017 your meals will be on board with the new meal patterns!
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington , D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.